illustration of candlesticks with text

Candlestick formations consisting of several candles

Discover essential multi-candle patterns that signal market reversals. Learn about Engulfing, Harami, and more

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illustration of candlesticks with text

Candlestick formations - Umbrella - Hanging Man - Hammer

Key candlestick patterns-Umbrella Candles, Hanging Man, Hammer, Shooting Star, and Doji candles-that indicate potential market reversals.

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illustration of candlesticks with text

Individual candlesticks and their meaning

Learn how individual candlesticks reveal market sentiment, from Marubozu candles to long candles.

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illustration of candlesticks with text

What are candlesticks and how to read them

Learn all about candlesticks, their history, and how to read these effective chart patterns in technical analysis.

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